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Network audio is especially useful togive freedom from cables when player is runon a wireless device, or there is needto wirelessly transfer audio data to theendpoint. Network audio also allows useof optical cabling for full galvanic isolationand long runs. Multi-access use cases.
SignalLine® technology, a patent pending-sign’s real-time beat-matching synthesis engine, is the mostpowerful audio signal processing in theworld. It gives you greater freedom toexpress your imagination using gateallowing you to preciselyshape the sound as well as single outevery note, phrase, or section oftime allowing you to ride up and downin a song without having to do anypre-programming.
You can also save a project to flip afterwards. It allows you to share on the web. The user control gets deliveredin time as and when you have thetime. The process is not fully automatic asyou have to edit the links and share yourwork.
Another interestingin feature is the ability to setautomations for specific projectgroupings. You can control the speedor style of play, or control a playrate. It is very handywhile recording. You can also add automationfor the output volume as well as theinstrument volume. This makes volumecontrol a lot easier during a recording. d2c66b5586